Friday, December 3, 2010

Sparrow Lark

A very small bird .. also not so common type

Spotted Owl

A beautiful bird often very shy ..

Kestrel in the bush

Taken recently .. on a cloudy dissapointing day for photography suddenly the clouds cleared and this beauty stayed with me for nearly an hour ..

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Leopard - 3

Ha that was too close ... we were really scared now as the gaurds and the drivers were telling us its time we go back. As non of the experts or the forest gaurds had wittnessed any Leopard waling towards a vehicle and making it to go back for few minutes. The look of this leopard stright in to my eyes almost freezed me, what an amazing moment.

Gaur - 2

Snake Eagle

A big bird from Eagle family which feeds on Snakes and other small creatures

Peacock - 2

Peacock - 1

Leopard - 2

A male Leopard which walked towards us when taking photos pushing us back for few minutes. One of the best and unforgetable moment in my photography days.


A magestic Elephant bull with huge tusk passing by.



A powerful beast looking so calm and innocent


This is my first mammal photo tour, it was a great experience and had the great oppertunity of capturing these great cats.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Brown Shrike

I had to try for few weeks to get a good closer shot of this bird. Very attentive to the sound and movements around

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pond Heron

A common bird and attractive too... these birds always look majestic in flight and if you have patiance you can really enjoy the treat of these birds in flight.

Common Hawk Cuckoo - with prey

A very attractive bird not so common even though the name says common. It is a miniature version of the Hawk, unfortunately in the picture I am unable to make you feel the actual size.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

One more picture of this beautiful bird Red Avadavat or Red Munia. I almost missed capturing this as I misstook for a common bird initially, if not I would have missed this real beauty.

Purple Sunbird (Male)

Common yet beautiful bird, here is a male with bright attractive colors during breading season.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Redvented bulbul

An other sub species in Bulbul family very active

Coppersmith Barbet - Acrobatic

I am posting one more capture of this Coppersmith (one of my favourite bird),I just enjoy its acrobatic skills

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Oriental Skylark

A Oriental Skylark in aggressive mood trying to chase away other birds from picking area.

Bay-backed Shrike

An ellusive bird mostattractive and colorful from Shrike family

Indian Roller

I personally like this bird for its beautiful color, I will post more photos of this extreamly shy bird sooner.

Coppersmith - Barbet

Coppersmith is a smallest bird from Barbet family also very colorful. The bird is making a hole (like Woodpeckers) in the tree to make a nest.