Sunday, March 14, 2010

Redvented bulbul

An other sub species in Bulbul family very active

Coppersmith Barbet - Acrobatic

I am posting one more capture of this Coppersmith (one of my favourite bird),I just enjoy its acrobatic skills

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Oriental Skylark

A Oriental Skylark in aggressive mood trying to chase away other birds from picking area.

Bay-backed Shrike

An ellusive bird mostattractive and colorful from Shrike family

Indian Roller

I personally like this bird for its beautiful color, I will post more photos of this extreamly shy bird sooner.

Coppersmith - Barbet

Coppersmith is a smallest bird from Barbet family also very colorful. The bird is making a hole (like Woodpeckers) in the tree to make a nest.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tailor Bird

A very small bird but a beauty to watch and to hear. It makes a sack by sewing up leaves and lay eggs in it, hence the name.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010