Sunday, August 1, 2010

Leopard - 3

Ha that was too close ... we were really scared now as the gaurds and the drivers were telling us its time we go back. As non of the experts or the forest gaurds had wittnessed any Leopard waling towards a vehicle and making it to go back for few minutes. The look of this leopard stright in to my eyes almost freezed me, what an amazing moment.

Gaur - 2

Snake Eagle

A big bird from Eagle family which feeds on Snakes and other small creatures

Peacock - 2

Peacock - 1

Leopard - 2

A male Leopard which walked towards us when taking photos pushing us back for few minutes. One of the best and unforgetable moment in my photography days.


A magestic Elephant bull with huge tusk passing by.



A powerful beast looking so calm and innocent


This is my first mammal photo tour, it was a great experience and had the great oppertunity of capturing these great cats.